KAJOI Cam 7YEARS Fake account , Fake star reviews can be done in locanto ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


date of reviews is  all same  , very fake 

 that it is did by the same few person in a 

 company that manage the posting

It is a scam account again 

Kajol43 again change in number again

fake reviews from 65 9429 6269 

with many account 

AJIlA Fake Account from the previous GUYS

Chawla31 , M116,shaguna ,renu93, Ajila are all  same scammers accounts with self made reviews
with 5 at least paid advertising in locanto 
read and see how to spot a fake reviews and u will know . lets not spot here they will learn
, same review date again  from +65 9429 6269

all paying by paylha  

should be a indian 

Fake scam account
many account same number 
65  84455172

Both renu93 scammer account part of 

kajol cam , cam kajol scam company 

+65  81360430 

Renu93 new number +65 83177007

Old renu93 account no +65 84455172

, he changed néw number again

all same account 

 fake reviews with a few members 


Kajol cam has two number ,  4 account.
good earning this way ? how much
how many people help to manage ?

Kajol cam account 7year scam

Their scam company has 

Alot of phone numbers 

New number added +65 8928 6430

New number from kajol cam   8625 4809

7 year scam accounts 

video call are 99% fake please 

and cheap long duration are clear  to 

tempt u but fake


but if u think they are willimg to do for long 

minutes of 2 0 to 3 0 mim 

they could might well be AV actress

 to earn more 

instead of being at locanto .

i seen girls who are real , some student 

doing at average 10min rate at $6 0 - 8 0 

15min rate at a $1 0 0 

local girls rate at 6 0 - 1 0 0 

custom rate $10 per min which u get 

10min for custom strip total $100 

if u think video  30min $ 6 5 is real u are crazy 

dont naive ok thksbye

here to post so i know who is better and which 

are fakes so i know who to fimd again
